CAUSA 796 Denzel

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So, it finally happened! After almost a year of waiting & wanting to hear back from Denzel, he messaged me early in the week, and I had him in the CAUSA studio on Saturday afternoon just in time for this week’s update.

As beautiful as I thought Denzel was in his pix over the past year, he is that much more gorgeous in person. GRRRWOOF! 😍🥰

Now then… After 20 years, sometimes ya just gotta adjust, say “Fuck it!”, and get the cumshot.

When Denzel sexperienced a little performance anxiety, I knew that the only way we were going to him there was for me to allow Denzel to take matters into his own hands. Thankfully, with those rippling, rock-hard abs & head thrown back in ecstasy, after about 25 minutes left to his own devices (an iPhone & a tight grip), Denzel did not disappoint.


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©

Originally published: Saturday, October 21, 2023

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