CAUSA 790 Braydyn

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Given the uncertainty within the industry & within the House of Badpuppy, the method to my madness in 2023 has been to introduce awesome new models soon after they submit their model app & shoot familiar favorites throughout the year as soon after they get back into contact with me (if I didn’t hear back from them the last one or two times that I sent them a SMS). That way, there’s no pressure going into October to bring all of your 20-year favorites back.

Braydyn’s one of those from whom I did not hear back in late 2022. So, I was happy to hear from him a few weeks ago & brought him in as soon as his schedule would allow.

He first slid onto the CAUSA massage table in July 2016, and today’s video is his eighth. Both Braydyn & I agreed that this is his first sexperience on the table wherein I got to thoroughly edge him for extended periods of time without him having an accidental ejaculation.

New to Braydyn. New to me. And new to y’all!


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©

Originally published: Saturday, July 22, 2023

#clubamateurusa #causa #model4causa #caseyblack #rubntug #gaymassage #eroticmassage #sexploreyourcuriosity #gayamateurusa

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