CAUSA 714 Tracey | Complete Scene

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After having received my Pfizer #DoseDos on Thursday, I decided to edit this as one looooooooooooooong-ass video for one update (vs. two) just in case I felt like death warmed over this weekend. So, here for all of you is CAUSA noob Tracey in a two hours & eight minute eye-rolling extravaganza!

Tracey briefly appeared on AFF, and I liked his pix. The next day, he emailed me. I was rather surprised since he listed himself as straight. Within another day, I had Tracey’s model app in hand, and he listed himself as bisexual. But he answered another question that he’d never engaged in sexual interaction with another guy. So, I was confused & not quite sure where we’d end up in this video.

Well, fasten your seatbelts, kiddos. The vibrating nipple pumps finally make their debut appearance!


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©

Originally published: Saturday, April 3, 2021


#clubamateurusa #causa #model4causa #caseyblack #rubntug #gaymassage #eroticmassage #sexploreyourcuriosity

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