Classic CAUSA 002 Danny

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And another forgotten CAUSA gem, and holy fuck, Danny turns 51 next month!

Picture it! Dateline Scottsdale, 2003:

Danny, recently transplanted from the East Coast, responded to our print ad in a local weekly. When we first met with him, it appeared that he was pretty much up for doing anything on video. His erotic massage video certainly demonstrated that he was quite open.

So, we set out to schedule a MM video with Danny and another of our hotties (whom you all will see in the next weeks), but when contacted, we were told in a soft voice, “I don’t give good blow jobs…”

Oh, okay… We get it…

Danny is definitely a hottie, and hopefully, he’ll get comfortable performing on video those things that not all curious guys will admit to participating in… šŸ˜›

Within those first five years, Danny contacted me to ask that I remove his video from the site. As with all others before him & after him who were compensated to participate in a video, in order to pull a video, you must return the amount you were compensated. But quite frankly, once a video goes live on a site, there’s no unringing that proverbial bell. Within days, the promo video on the tubes will have tens of thousands of views. So, your girl-cousin’s husband’s DL boyfriend will see your shit on PornHub, and somehow how the story will be sanitized to protect the not-so-innocent while conveying to your girl cousin that you took a guy’s finger & the CAUSA Magic Wand up your butt on video. (True story!)

And yet, I digress…

I know nothing about 50 year-old Danny, today, since there are about 15 of him, by birth name, back in his home state, and hundreds across the U.S. Hopefully, handsome & hung Danny is well, today, and just as sexy!


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. Ā©

Originally published: Saturday, February 20, 2021


#clubamateurusa #causa #model4causa #caseyblack #rubntug #gaymassage #eroticmassage #sexploreyourcuriosity

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