CAUSA 668 Kannon – Complete Scene

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Kannon has a “tell,” and it’s one of my favorite aspects of shooting ClubAmateurUSA.

Several weeks back, Kannon emailed me on my favorite sex & swingers site to indicate his interest in participating in a video. I responded & pointed him toward the detailed model info page & app, but given that he’s from out of state, I didn’t expect it to go much further. Shortly thereafter, I received a direct email wherein he let me know that he was going to be in the Valley of the Sun this week for work.

Oh, shit! Let me drop everything & slide Kannon on the CAUSA massage table! 🙂

Going into every shoot, there’s very little exchange of dialogue in terms of expectations & planned activities. If the guys choose to do their due diligence & check out the site after filling out the model app, the onus is on them. Oddly, very few of the noobs actually click through to the primary site & look at the preview content. Additionally, other than the information that they provide within their online profiles on the sites that I use to recruit, I ask no additional questions other than the ones that are on the model app, and those are more specific to physical appearance & do you understand what the hell you’re about to get yourself into? LOL!

So, the question & answer session at the end of a shoot is organic & authentic — 99% of the time, I’m learning about their previous sexual proclivities & sexploration at the same time as all of you.

As a result, other than logistical informational exchanges with Kannon, I didn’t know what to expect in terms of his first-time on the table, and that brings me back to Kannon’s tell.

You may have noticed in previous shoots with first-time CAUSA guys that even before I begin squirting & spreading the massage oil across their backsides, I’ll gently brush my fingers across their backs & butts & down their legs. One, it’s an effort on my part to share a little relaxing energy with a most likely nervous noob, and two, my eagle eyes are parked on the guys’ junk between their legs. If the caress of my fingertips inspires growth down below, then, typically, I know that we’re in for a good shoot, and most likely, the new guy on the table has been anticipating this first-time sexperience for days, weeks, months, or years.

Can you guess his “tell”?

Within seconds of Kannon feeling the gentle caresses of my fingertips, his junk was engorged & tingling.


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©

Originally published: August 3, 2019



#clubamateurusa #causa #model4causa #caseyblack #rubntug #gaymassage #eroticmassage #sexploreyourcuriosity

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