CAUSA 630 Quinlan – Complete Scene

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As soon as Quinlan’s profile appeared on SexyJobs, and I saw that he was bi-open, I dropped him an email expressing interest in capturing him on video for CAUSA. A couple of weeks went by before I heard back from him wherein he, too, expressed interest, and then I learned that he was back in his home state for summer break. Well, dayum!

So, Quinlan’s appearance on ClubAmateurUSA has been many weeks in the making, and quite happily I can say that it is weeeeell worth the wait!

Reared in a conservative Christian home in the Midwest, it wasn’t until Quinlan went off to University that he discovered that he’s open to both genders, equally. At 19, he only has a year of guy:guy sexperiences under his belt, and of those, he’s only bottomed once.

“Calling Casey Black! Direct prostate stimulation required on aisle 69!” 🙂

‘Tis funny, when I shared the promo images of Quinlan with my team, Badpuppy Jeff asked, “Did you make his eyes roll?”

Does Trump’s “mother sucks cocks in Hell”? ROFLMAO!


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©



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