Be at peace, Dave Slick (August 28, 1991 – June 8, 2018)

This morning, I awakened to the devastating news that my dear friend Dave Slick, CAUSA’s Davis, passed away in Chicago on Friday. Unfortunately, answers are few at the moment.

Dave had a whirlwind year & a half wherein he was living his best life and was known across the industry, both gay & straight, as one of the kindest human beings you’d ever meet. He helped all who crossed his path.

Dave & I were dinner & movie buddies. He loved Marvel, Star Wars, & Jurassic. “Black Panther” moved both of us in ways unexpected. He was a total foodie & lived for dessert.

After signing with Falcon & beginning working out, Dave’s biggest challenge was having to skip dessert. He hated diet soda, but had learned to love Diet Dr. Pepper. There was always a grumble when he asked for it & was offered Diet Pepsi or Coke, instead.

Often, I sought Dave’s counsel on the ways of Millennials’ content consumption, and likewise, he sought my counsel & 15-year historical knowledge as he navigated his ever-burgeoning journey. We challenged each other’s points of view, and it was a melding of the generational differences for our industry.

After Dave’s return from his latest adventure, I would receive a text, and off we were to see the latest 3D IMAX & then dinner to catch up on each other’s lives. Afterward, I’d take him home, and Dave’s last words to me, as he stepped out of my vehicle, were always, “Love you, Casey.”

Dave, my dear friend, I love you, and you have forever imprinted my heart.

Casey Black
