CAUSA 606 Gracen – Complete Scene

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After two and a half years, finally, I successfully expanded Gracen’s boundaries. I guess “baby steps” doesn’t even begin to describe it. lol

When Gracen appeared in October for CAUSA’s 14th anniversary, I felt as though we were on that path until, unfortunately, Gracen experienced a toenail malfunction, and I had to go ahead & flip him onto his back to continue the rub-n-tug. šŸ˜›

Since it is the bane of my existence to leave things unfinished, I knew that I wanted to bring Gracen back in, sooner rather than later. So, when he dropped me a text to wish me a “Happy New Year,” the universe said, “schedule that beautiful, black man.”

Back on all fours to start, once again, I began massaging into the territory that, historically, sends Gracen into his “Ticklish Zone.” With my right arm & hand doing its best to hold him in place, my left hand & fingers continued their march upward to Gracen’s nutsack & taint.

“Houston, we have contact!”

Although it was still somewhat of a challenge to venture too far into uncharted waters, both Gracen & I persevered. With each successful baby step, I’ve gleaned that it truly is mind over matter in terms of Gracen’s “Ticklish Zone.”

As you’ll soon witness, successfully expanding Gracen’s boundaries while on all fours, allowed me to push even further once I had him on his back. And almost three years later, not only was I able to massage his balls & taint, but at long last, one of my fingers finally introduced itself to Gracen’s manhole.


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. Ā©



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