CAUSA 604 Shea – Complete Scene

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Very rarely does a shoot surprise me, but this video with new Hot Chocolate Shea almost leaves me speechless. (I said, “almost.”) lol

It’s been about 15 months since Shea first contacted me on AFF. He was interested, but due to professional concerns, didn’t necessarily want his face out there. With a change in careers, he again reached out.

While admittedly bi-open, I wasn’t aware that that meant top only. So, going into the shoot, I was looking forward to pushing Shea’s “magic button.”

HOLY SHITBALLS! Push it, I did, and other than Xander in Florida, no other CAUSA guy has sexperienced such a physical response.

So much so, that Shea asked, in a barely audible & with very little physical strength still in him, “Is… this… common?”


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©



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