CAUSA 779 Quinn

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At 20 years of age, Quinn first slid onto the massage table in July 2007 in the 219th CAUSA video, and now, pushing into 36 years of age, 16 years later, Quinn is sliding on in the 779th ClubAmateurUSA video.

Way back then, Quinn had just begun to sexplore his curiosity with his then girlfriend & one of his buddies in a threeway. Today, Quinn is open & equitably bi with both guys & girls, and one thing has always been true when Quinn is on the table, he loves himself some prostate play!


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©

Originally published: Saturday, March 25, 2023


#clubamateurusa #causa #model4causa #caseyblack #rubntug #gaymassage #eroticmassage #sexploreyourcuriosity #gayamateurusa

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