CAUSA 589 Axel – Complete Scene

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Although Axel is still unsure about direct prostate stimulation (his conscious mind say “no”), his body gave us an obvious visual representation of milking the prostate. Just watch for the long, slow ooze…

PART 2: “Warn a fella, next time…”

Within five minutes of getting Axel flipped face up on the CAUSA massage table, suddenly his toes curled & extended, and then WHOOPS, there it is!

I did my best to squeeze of the orgasm while Axel’s spooge bubbled out.

Given that Axel sexperienced the accidental orgasm, 20 minutes later an anal orgasm, and within another couple of minutes a second ejaculatory orgasm, I think we can call this shoot “Third Time’s A Charm!”

And can I just say that I am enamored with Axel’s full, plump, pink lips (and nips)? Jus’ sayin’… 🙂


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©



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